Startup Funding & Business Plans Consulting Services For Startup Company! Venture Capital!

Showing posts with label venture capital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venture capital. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2020

Looking for Investors for Your Startup?

Top 5 Key-Questions Venture Capital Firms Will Ask You

Many entrepreneurs look to secure venture capital in order to grow their business. As tempting and easy as it may sound, this path is not a walk in the park. Unless you are well informed and prepared.

Figures shown in a Harvard Business Review study show that in US only 1% of startups are financed by venture capital. So, why does that happen? Because it is not enough to have a smart idea, a few sales and be passionate about it. A strong business plan is needed, commitment and good knowledge of the market.

When you secure venture capital, you bring along a partner in your business. You might consider it like a marriage. So now you can understand why the VC firm will want to know the ins and outs of your business before making the investment.

Here are the top 5 factors that determine the investors’ decision to make the investment or refuse the startup looking for capital. 1.Do you have a good management team?

You and your team have to tick several boxes. That means you need relevant domain experience, very good communication, high adaptability, you have to be engaged and cohesive.

It is higly adivsable to be honest about the abilities of your management team members and not hide the weak spots, but presents solutions on how you plan to improve them.

•Is the market you are aiming BIG?

It may sound simple, but let’s look further into this question. First and foremost, what does BIG mean? A market opportunity venture capital funds will consider proper is in excess of $1 billion. So, if you star small, with just a product or a local market, present how your business has the potential to scale. Consider answering questions like ”What is your adressable market?” and ”What share of that market do you intend to capture?”.

•Is your product or service original / unique?

Unique selling point – or the differetiating factor between similar products or services – can often decide the success or failure of a business.

Take into considerations several differentiators such as (1) having a completely new and original product that is also hard to copy by the competition, (2) finding a niche market to address to, (3) selling your product or service for a really good price.

These are only some of the differentiators you must take into consideration. At least one has to be part of your strategy. The more, the better.

•Is your startup a good fit for the VC firm?

Each venture capital fund chooses an investment philosophy. So, some may invest only intro social enterprises, others in IT businesses or green technology. Other may invest only in startups that help create future markets regardless of the niche they activate in.

Before contacting a VC firm, make sure you are in their area of interest, so you don’t waste time and get no results.

•How will you use the invested capital?

Be prepared to back your answer with metrics and timelines. You should have a solid plan, including the multiple aspects of a business (marketing costs, operational costs, administrative expenses, cash flow etcaetera) and burn rate – so the investor will know if and when you need a new round of capital.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Tips on Looking for A Good Venture Capital Business Firm

Numerous ventures are experienced with the challenging task of increasing thier venture capital. If you are one them, then this process might be helpful on finding the right venture capital firm for your business. Although this may look easy. There are numerous of venture capital firms in the United States alone, and becoming after the wrong ones is one of the most common causes why companies break to raise the capital they need.

When looking for a right venture capital firm for your business, there are 6 key things to consider, and this are:

2.sector preference
3.stage preference


Most venture capital firms they only invest within 100 miles of their business office. By investing approximately home, the business firm are able to more actively get affected with and add value to their portfolio companies.

Sector preference

Numerous venture capital firms center on particular sectors such as healthcare, information technology I.T., wireless technologies, and others. In most cases, even if you have a good standing company, if you fail outside of the venture capital sector preference, they will pass on the opportunities.

Stage preference

Venture Capital tend to center on another stages of ventures. For example, some Venture capitals prefer ahead of time stage ventures where the risk is avid, but so are the expected returns. Conversely, some Venture capital centre on providing capital to business firms to bridge capital breaches before they go on public.

Business Partners

Venture capital business firms are represented of individual partners. These partners create investment decisions and commonly take a seat on each portfolio company’s Board. Partners tend to invest in what they experience, so finding a business partner that has past work experience in your industry is very helpful. This relevant experience reserves them to more fully understand your venture’s value proposal and gives them assurance that they can add value, thus advancing them to invest.

Business Portfolio

Even as you should search venture capital business firms whose partners have undergo in your industry, the ideal venture capital business firm has portfolio companies in your area as well. Portfolio company direction, as they are industry experts, often advises venture capitalist as to whether the company in doubtful is worthwhile. Additionally, if your venture has potential synergies with a portfolio company, this importantly raises the venture capital interest in your business firm.

Business Assets

Most companies searching venture business capital for the first timer will require subsequent cycles of capital. As such, it is helpful if the venture capital has enough funds, enough cash to enter in follow-on cycles. This will bring through the company important time and effort in maintaining an enough cash balance.

Finding the right venture capital business firm is absolutely vital to companies seeking venture capital. Success solutions in the capital required and important assistance in arising your venture. Conversely Article Submission, breaking down to find the right firm often results in increasing no capital at all and being ineffective to grow the venture.